Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We've been dealing with foot rot and foot scald in our sheep for some time now. I recently talked with a vet from UCD about it. Among the information he sent me was a recommendation to allow sheep to soak in a footbath for 20-30 minutes.

Our current footbath set up accommodates 2-3 sheep at a time. At that rate, it would take most of two days to run everyone through a footbath. Do any of you have any ideas about how to speed this up?



  1. I'm wondering about building a 4x8 footbath with stock panels all around it. I could put lambs in the footbath - probably 20-30 at a time. If they soak for 30 minutes, we could do 150 lambs in a day - any thoughts?

  2. How in the heck do I post a new comment and how do I get all the comments to just show up?
